String Concatenation in Rust

Alex Garella

17th March 2023

In Rust, working with strings can be slightly different than in other languages. Rust has two types of strings: &str and String.

In this blog post, we will explore the different ways to concatenate strings in Rust and provide extensive examples and explanations to help you better understand this essential operation.

Understanding String Types in Rust

Before diving into concatenation, let's understand the two string types in Rust:

&str: This is an immutable string slice that represents a view into a sequence of bytes. It is lightweight and typically used for reading strings or passing them around as function arguments.

String: This is an owned, mutable, and growable string type that allows you to modify its contents. It is used when you need to build or manipulate strings during runtime.

Concatenating Strings Using the + Operator

In Rust, you can concatenate strings using the + operator. However, you need to ensure you're working with the proper types String and &str.

Here's an example:

fn main() { let s1 = "Hello"; let s2 = "World"; // You need to convert &str to String before concatenating let result = s1.to_string() + " " + s2; println!("{}", result); // Output: "Hello World" }

In this example, we first convert s1 to String using the to_string() method. Then, we concatenate the space character and s2 to it using the + operator.

Concatenating Strings Using the format! Macro

The format! macro is another way to concatenate strings in Rust. It allows you to create a new String by interpolating values into a string template.

Here's an example:

fn main() { let s1 = "Hello"; let s2 = "World"; // Using format! macro for concatenation let result = format!("{} {}", s1, s2); println!("{}", result); // Output: "Hello World" }

In this example, we pass s1 and s2 as arguments to the format! macro, which combines them with a space in between. The format! macro can handle both &str and String types seamlessly.

Concatenating Strings Using the push_str() Method

Another way to concatenate strings in Rust is by using the push_str() method. This method appends a string slice &str to the end of a String.

Here's an example:

fn main() { let s1 = "Hello"; let s2 = "World"; // Using push_str method for concatenation let mut result = s1.to_string(); result.push_str(" "); result.push_str(s2); println!("{}", result); // Output: "Hello World" }

In this example, we first convert s1 to String, then append a space and s2 using the push_str() method.


In Rust, you can concatenate strings using the + operator, the format! macro or the push_str() method

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